Familyhood is a systemic approach of building community, from the people up.” The schools are the hubs of the communities development. The means of production are the production of Alumni from the schools.
Alumni are graduates who join the Alumni Association and all its rights and privileges, with the added task of mentoring the schools Student Government Association. Thereby meaning, the once Student was a member of the very Student Government Association, now as a graduate, alumni, mentors “the next generation” of student leaders.
This circle is what Familyhood defines as its means of production.
The community becomes more developed, when it produces more Alumni.”
Typically when one thinks of a product “Made” they think of a raw good converted into a finished good as something made. While those natural resources are very beneficial to the production of their products, we believe a very important resource often overlooked are the people that live there.
Familyhood defines schools as the hub of the communities development.
The map below shows six major high school in the City of Oakland, California.
We are currently seeking companies to become “Friends of schools ” in the City of Oakland.
The companies would prioritize schools in their community that are participating in the Familyhood community development vision and strategy.
Companies could prioritize in several ways:
1) Hire students for jobs and internships.
2) Train students for future employment opportunities.
3) Participate in the school’s 1st Saturdays monthly volunteer/recruitment day events.
If your company is interested in joining, please fill-out this form.
Remember: The task of the Friends of Schools are to strengthen the school’s familyhood.